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Definitely stolen then :p Thanks for notifying! It appears the game was already removed before I could even take a look. 

No worries :) ArcadeGameStudio's page on with your game which they called "The Knight from Nokia," was up for just one day. Under the usual links on the upper right side of the page like Follow..., Add to Collection..., Rate This Game, etc. they had one stating that they entered your game (without credit) into the "OpenGameArt Winter Game Jam 2022." I followed that link. There, in the comments another user, ZomBCool was asking ArcadeGameStudio for information about the assets they used to make the game, which if they couldn't provide, ZomBCool said the game would have to be removed from entry. I posted a reply to ZomBCool saying I thought the game was stolen from you and provided links to your page and game, and to the ArcadeGameStudio page on I think this may be why they took down their page so fast. But they still have a presence on I sent an email to so they can check out ArcadeGameStudio and make sure they aren't profiting off other creator's stuff. You can message ZomBCool about it if you'd like; they may be affiliated with the Jam. Anyway, keep up the good work!