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Okay. This is a very weird and very cool entry. I got some mad Worms vibes, and that made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

As to the central conceit and innovation of the game: It's very clever, but although I played several games I could never quite get used to it. I felt like I was always running out of stamina when I needed it the most, and when I started to wiggle back and forth... that's when a mortar shell fell right on my head. :)

The music is absolutely ROCKING. Unfortunately, the way the soundtrack stops, slows down and speeds up doesn't quite do justice to the awesome tunes. I realize this is part of the feedback, but I felt like I wanted to hear the music at its original tempo.

As a matter of UX, the inventory should provide feedback when a selection is made. 

Lastly, falling off the cliff doesn't seem to be a win/lose condition; this sometimes results in unwinnable games.


you can turn off the time stopping mechanism ,the music won't slow down


Thanks! 🎶🙏