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Overall, the game is very neat and already has a solid amount of polish to it. Love all the small details like the lights to show the magnetic radius and colour coding. The way the magnet snaps to objects also feels very juicy already.

With that said, onto the nitpicks:

  • The first panel in the throwing tutorial could be a bit more obvious. Didn’t realize that LT needed to be held down.
  • Alternatively, it would feel more natural to me if tapping X would drop the magnet, whereas holding X would start the aim and depressing would start the throw. (Probably because I always played Yoshis Island in the fast throw mode.)
  • The one-way platforms feel somehow clunky. I’m not a 100% sure on why exactly, but every time I had to climb those under time pressures it didn’t feel good climbing them.
  • On the technical side, it feels like the parallax background isn’t updating at the correct framerate on a high refresh rate monitor. This makes the scrolling feel a bit nauseating and juddery.

Lastly, one thought about the level design: The best levels are those that only work because of the magnet physics of the magnet itself. The one where you need to place a magnet along the path of a magnetic block so it attaches itself for example. On the other hand, the levels where the magnet basically acts like a glorified crate, mostly in the beginning, aren’t nearly as interesting.

(Played on Windows V1.2)


Thank you! The comment "the levels where the magnet basically acts like a glorified crate aren’t nearly as interesting" is really key feedback, cheers

I think the big RED crate had to be red in order to attract to the BLUE magnetism, just like the little magnet. Also, gray objects haven't been seen to be magnetic.