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Removing the hack and slash from a hack and slash game as you did it made it into a sort of RPG... it's no more a hack and slash... So sadly this game doesn't qualify in the theme of this jam... :(


Well of course removing mechanics of a game will change the game. The game jam is to explore what kind of games can be made by doing so. A game can't be disqualified because it discovered that removing the hacking and slashing from a hack and slash game makes it into a "sort of RPG". Discovering these things is the point of the game jam ;)


Taking a mechanic out of a genre might turn the game into another genre. That's just how it works. Even Snake Pass, the game that the theme video for this jam is about, isn't really anything like the 3D-platformer genre it started out as before they removed jumping. On the official website for the game, they call it an action-puzzle game. That isn't a 3D-platformer, so is Snake Pass disqualified from its own jam?

Snake Pass only removed the jump ability and perhaps became a puzzler but still has everything else from the plateformer (in my opinion). Here I don't see anything making me think about a hack and slash and wouldn't have thought it was one without the title. Snake Pass on the other hand...

But of course a game with it's main mechanic removed will transform in another genre, you're right. However I think this is the part of this jam where the theme is complicated, how to remove a mechanic without removing the essence of the genre? I think (and it engage only me ^^) that this game missed the point by removing to much from the hack'n'slash it's supposed to come from.