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Just curious, what sort of hurdles are involved re: adding Mac/Linux to the Steam release?

(I'm a programmer, but I haven't released a game except for a web-based LD entry or two)

In the case of Godot Engine it doesn't really seem more complicated than the Windows version, but in my case I don't have a computer with Linux or Mac, fortunately someone suggested to me to use the virtual machines (which allow me to test if the linux version launches) but that does not prevent me from finding it complicated, I am currently trying to add the Linux version, and it does not work completely for the moment.

It's the kind of thing that you can spend days working out, but once you know how to do it, it takes a few minutes.

Makes sense, thanks for the reply!

Once you get Linux sorted, if it would be helpful for someone to try launching the Mac version and report any Console errors, you could maybe publish it to a named branch on Steam.

(I'd be willing to try that, but my laptop is pre-Catalina so people running a current OS may have a different experience)


I ended up getting the Linux version working, and as I thought it was pretty straightforward, even though it took me a few days to figure out why it didn't work Haha

Thank you for the idea of the branches, I hadn't thought of using them but it's rather practical, I'll probably try to make a MAC release soon, I'll keep you posted!