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I love this concept. However I think there are a few things here that make it not work very well.

The "help" command is a joke, which is pretty fun at first, but then when you're really in need for help, it's simply frustrating because you don't know what to do at all or what command will work.
The command parsing is a bit unfair. For example you can type "clear" and "Clear", but not "clear " with a space at the end. This might seem a small issue, but then you need to type "bowl.create()", as "bowl.create ()" won't work, although I believe it is a perfectly fine syntax (though I don't add whitespace before my methods parenthesis, but that's another topic haha).
Then, you need to add egg. And to do so, you have to specify the amount, which means you cannot write "bowl.add(egg)", although here too if seems like an intuitive instruction, which simply means I want to add only one egg. And as I was thinking "okay, technically, it is possible to write a method that indeed takes two arguments and no less", but then I saw that the "remove" command only takes one and you cannot specify the amount, which felt a bit strange to me.

Also, a thing that I would have find amazing would be the ability to add as much eggs as I want. I tried to add 100 but only one seemed to appear in the bowl. I tried to add "-1" and the interpreter did not tell me "cannot add a negative value".

What I mean, is that this kind of games works really well if your code interpreter feels like a real one. Here, you immediatly understand how the real code behind it works, and it's a bit frustrating because it would have been SO funny to just let the player do whatever he wants ! Create 50 bowls ? Alright. Add 5000 eggs ? Okay maybe just clamp to 100, but sure.

However, I absolutely understand that this is easy to say, but so so so, sooo hard to make. It's already nice that you achieved to do this prototype during this short amount of time ! And despite all the feedback I've written, please note that I found the game fun and that I believe the idea should be extended and improved a little bit, because it's really nice. And I'd be happy to play it again if you decide to work on it a little bit more :D

Congrats and thanks for making this game !


Thank you SO much for the huge constructive feedback!!

Someone else brought up the help command thing - basically, it was placeholder text that I added very early on and then just completely forgot about

As for the text intepreter, I definitely wish I had added more messages for failure states since some of them are vague/don't say anything. I basically just focused on making the correct paths work, rather than the failed ones 

If I look to edit the game in future, I'll absolutely be using your feedback