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Do you realize how broken stew consumables are?

I get it but keep in mind the game mechanic isn't perfect and won't please everyone. If they lower difficulty some would complain its too easy. The phasing of progression isn't that bad you just need to keep up with stats. And its not even that demanding with consumables. There is requirement issues with gears that yeah it requires some grinding and it can get monotonous and boring.

I would suggest abuse the savescum method. Meaning untick autosave and reload if you fail. That way you won't use consumables and assess the duel better and know what you need. Hell even use 3rd party memory editor to get you resources so you won't need to grind.


Honestly, nothing you said addressed any of the issues I pointed out. "The mechanic isn't perfect" doesn't cut it, I never said it should be perfect, I said it was weighted against the player, which it IS, and no, consumables aren't that broken. I had all of the fisherman's food unlocked (somehow the damn things reset) as I used said food to beat Grant X, so its not unfamiliar to me. But when you have a limit of six consumables and the boss can destroy your health in two attacks, while you're forced to hit him AT LEAST four times if your damage is high enough. My stats aren't bad, I have some really good gear, but if I'm really expected to grind for HOURS to get better gear (because the very best gear is purchasable with materials that come in very small amounts where you farm them), the least I should get is a battle mechanic that doesn't throw all disadvantages in my face.