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Hey, I just started playing this game and I'm already on day 3

I was wondering if there's anything I need to know beforehand, or any tips

(I'm already aware of the password system and how to get them but that's it. I already plan to do all the routes (currently have 6 different save slots, one for each character) and I learned somewhere the little "Dave" tip at the very beginning of the story)

I already love Dean (you know, bears) but I also know thanks to Echo that "antagonistic" characters like Tyson are usually the best boys, can't wait to do his route !

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Okay I wasn't ready for that particular day 5


Just wait it gets better. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Oh, that I can believe

I've just finished the first day 6 (Sal's), it was interesting

(didn't really know the password would be THAT obvious so I kept trying different words I saw in the dialogues, it was fun trying to find the right one before I got the answer tho)


You're in for a ride then. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

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Oh god my saveslots are starting to get messy now

I've reached day 7 for Orlando and I got quite a few passwords from other routes, so each time I'm at the vault I'm trying them all

Turns out 3 of them work in every route at day 7, gonna try to keep things clear I guess

That's why I do every character in different save slots. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


I now have 24 different save slots

Please end me

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After you do day 10 you can look at this to see the different story paths


Oh so that's what the different paths meant in the save slots, I thought it was the different routes (in addition to the save files colours)

That's quite an interesting twist, routes within routes basically ? Thanks for telling me about this, I've only completed every Day 6 so far, I would probably have missed that

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No problem. It does catch people out, paths are the story and routes are the flavour that goes along with it. 

For example if Dave is meant to react to somthing in the story that will happen no matter who's route you are on. The routes are flavour, who will be at daves side when he reacts.