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I've noticed that the distance between the 3DObject model and the camera is quite far when the model becomes invisible. Is there a way to shorten this distance? I thought having the camera on a seperate layer would help but hasn't seemed to work.


This is likely due to the bounding 'cube' of the object leaving the area of the Construct 3 camera.

Currently the way to handle this is to use the ACE 'Set z height' to increase the size of the cube. Try a value around the height of your model divided by zScale. Experiment a little to find a good range. I don't know the size of your model, but start with 20 or so and go up/down. Let me know your results and if you need any more help.

Setting the z height to 10 has worked perfectly. Thanks for explaining how that works!


You are welcome, I really like the look of your game, can't wait to see more! I have a new Light Layer 3D Effect with a procedural normal map which can add a little more lighting 'roughness' to textures. I'll post it today.

was having the same issue but this fixed it! thanks!