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(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

If you don't know, I was the first person to comment on this page. You can scroll down XD Just a fun fact. And so, my review is:

This is so good T_T This is so good! I have to say that twice. I played all your flash games prior to this, but after all of that I still haven't learned what to expect from your stories. I mean, after Saccharine or Adabana??? C'mon. I should have expected some twisted, angsty, distressing, horrifying, bittersweet tragedy! I didn't really have much expectation, I thought it will be the captor/captive disastrous romance/Stockholm/Lima syndrome. While yeah, it kinda is, your writing makes it all very different and much more entertaining. I always admire your concepts and ideas! In this story, I find that Camille's narration and dialogues are the stars in this VN. I really enjoy... hmmm... how effed up Osgoode is. I have a pretty high tolerance, but if you can make me facepalm several times, then that means you are on the right track. Yes.

I really enjoy it. I binged this for three hours and I never break immersion. It is my joy to pretend to be a voice actor and voice act all of the dialogues. I give other characters an ordinary American accent. I don't know what accent Osgoode is supposed to have so I just give Osgoode a very terrible slight Russian accent to the best I can pffft Just a random fact to give you ideas of how I enjoy the VN.

Your art is maybe not the crystal clear bubblegum pop I always see, but I always love it. It gives it so MUCH vibe. It makes it very easy to be immersed in it.

My criticism is very minor, maybe just the typos and some unnamed dialogue? (I'm sorry but I don't know where.) And maybe when we go to the right hallway, you can make it slide to the right XD

I have some questions, but it is going to spoiler territory so...






1. Is Charles's secretary Emily Johnson related to Agent Johnson?

2. Why is Ivy saved in Ed 8, but not in Ed 9? How does Camille being kidnapped make it different?

3. Joseph, the Eldritch being who brings the end of the world is too big not to be elaborated!

4. I read that you will keep writing even if maybe not VNs, will we be able to read your future writing? I mean... I love your stories. I love it T_T

5. Ed 9 is my favorite for the obvious reason. Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I would love to read an adventure between this Camille and this Osgoode.

6. Is twisted, effed up story always your favorite to write? XD





I have some interest in writing and this just makes me think that... maybe... writing a story in this genre is a very great idea after all...

Final verdict: This is so good and I want more :) Thank you for the hard work. You've done such a good job and I'm so happy I can enjoy your writing again.


What does ITYH mean? "I Think You're Hot"?


Oh wow thank you for your continuous support!


1. Unfortunately they are not related. I tend to use the surname "Johnson" for every named but not important NPC character I have lmao.

2. Originally Ivy and Joseph are supposed to have their own route, but due to scoping and writer's block, I decided to ax their route. Basically, I wanted some of Ivy and Joseph's endings to exist in the same universe as some of Camille and Osgoode's endings, thus the difference in Ivy's survival status lmao.

3. Ahahhaha I'll probably recycle Joseph's story in the future. But originally his route is about Joseph slowly turning into a tentacle monster and how the doomed couple tries to stop the transformation. It goes about as well as you expect.

4. If I write a story that is suitable for the otome audience base, I'll definitely advertise it here ahahahha.

5. There is a short story in the planning that continues from ending 9. I will make an announcement once it's completed.

6. I'm a firm believer that a good story should make you feel something. Since I'm not talented enough to write impactful fluff yet, I stick to horror and sadness masquerading as romance or fluff lmao.

7. ITYH means I Take Your Hand ahahhahah. You know, just like how Osgoode took Camille's hand.

I love the horror and sadness owo