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A member registered Oct 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh no!

There should be a walkthrough included in the game labeled walkthrough.txt.

After achieving ending 8, restart the game and fast-forward to the part where Camille is standing outside of Osgoode's door. Continue to knock and wait until Osgoode answers the door himself. DO NOT GO IN IF THE DOOR OPENS BY ITSELF WITHOUT OSGOODE PRESENT. 

It takes a while, but after 7-10 knocks, Osgoode should show up to answer the door. Keep playing the game until you reach ending 9.

Ivy was originally going to be a second route, but it was axed due to  a lack in writing and plot quality. I may recycle her story line in the future for another project.


其实我有想过要不要自己汉化,但中文文学水平不及格+没时间。感谢支持! 只要标明我的itchio链接,ityh汉化完全没问题. 如果有什么需要技术上的支持可以私信我。

It's in hiatus. I recently started grad school and have a full time job, so development is in a standstill.

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In universe, Morara is not considered human and is not guaranteed any human rights.  Gwendolyn legally owns Morara the same way she owns her furniture. Under such circumstances, any kind of "consent" Morara gives, sexual or not, is up for debate.

Gwendolyn's own moral code is more similar to that of an unhinged medieval aristocrat than a sane modern individual. Thus what she considers to be ‘consent', sexual nor not, might not be consent at all.

TLDR: Dubious consent of all kind, including sex, will appear. However, whatever sexual content that appears will be highly allegorical and non-graphic.

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Thank you! I partnered with an amazing artist and coder this time, so I am also super excited to see the finished product.

It's not yet published! Come back in like 2 days haha;;;

Oh totally! Send me pictures hahaha

A eerily quaint but touching tale about slowly learning how to stand up for yourself. Phebe is your stereotypical doormat otome game heroine who agrees with everyone , but the repercussions of such a personality is on full display.  I also enjoyed the atmosphere of this game: the monotonous game play loop coupled with the yellow and green palette created a lulling ambience with just a hint of unease. 

As a certified villain lover, I went in the game expecting to like Hugh. I didn't.  However, I did like how f*cked up his ending was . I also found it hilarious that he was so horrible that even Fanny told you to stay away from him.

Speaking of Fanny, her ending was A++.  I laughed at Phebe's employee-of-the-month smile in the ending CG. The two bonding over cloud gazing is so hilarious yet touching in a twisted sort of way.

Peyton is best boy. A genuine nice guy who also pushes Phebe to stand up for herself.  It was very sweet to see Phebe slowly and awkwardly warm up to him.

Expect some fanart doodle in the future.

It's included within the game! There should be a txt file called walkthrough after you unzip the package.

The Acronym stands for I take your hand. Because Osgoode "took" Camille's hand haha.

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Ironically, the idea for this game started because I was unsatisfied with Twilight haha. I thought it was strange that  Edward, who was dating the human equivalent of their favorite dessert, NEVER had a moment of weakness and took a bite lmao. I also thought that Bella's obsessed reactions were never quite fully explained. So I wrote my own version with the same premise lmao.

kjasdhfklsdjafh you captured Camille perfectly. Thanks for the pic and brightening up my day (right-clicks and saves).

Oh you mean ending 9? Finish ending 8 ( End of Summer fever) (You know, the one where she chases after the photograph), then restart the game and get to the door-knocking scene. Keep knocking Osgoode lets you in.

However, if you want to get ending 8 again, just barge in the door without knocking like a rude trespasser haha.

For ending 3, you have to be as quiet and uncooperative as possible. When Osgoode shows up in the room a second time, don't ask him any question and stay silent. Then don't pick up the fruit when Osgoode yells at you to pick them up

Lovely game.

Omg thanks for the tip and the glowing review haha. I'm still (slowly) working on another horror otome project with another artist-will definitely make a post about it when I get a decent chunk of the writing done.

Start the game again after finishing ending 8, then keep knocking on Osgoode's door until he opens it for you (DON'T GO IN IF THE DOOR OPENS BY ITSELF)

I made those about 8 years ago, so you would have to install the newground's flash player though haha;;;;;

Get ending 9 and you will get your wish haha.

Ahhh probably not. Those file are in swf format and not html.

Omg thanks for the long review! I'm glad you enjoyed Camille and Osgoode and their dysfunctional family haha. And yes I would love a Russian/Ukranian translation. Let me know what I can do to help

As of now, I haven't figured out a way to successful export for mac. Some players have played it with a windows emulator, but if that doesn't work for you, there's a no commentary let's play on YouTube.

Again,I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Joseph and Ivy were the axed route. I want to save the idea for another future story, so no spoilers

It's included in the game. walkthrough.txt

The art and atmosphere are both wonderful. Can't wait to see more

OMG U MADE HIM LOOK SO PRETTY! Thanks again ahhahahah

Hi! Thank you for your kind words and for remembering me after all these years ahahhaha. Glad you liked Camille.

I'm actually currently in the brainstorming phase for another otome haha. A demo should be out in March

Yes! There should be a walkthrough included in the game. It's called walkthrough.txt

Hi! Thank you for your kind words. My other games include Reverie, an odd sim date and Saccharine a misleading sim date.

Joseph's route was axed, but I might recycle it in the future, so no spoilers for now ahhahaha.

there's a text file called walkthrough in the game haha. If you need more help with a specific ending, let me know

Oh not that part.

When Osgoode first shows up with food, choose not to say anything.

When Osgoode wakes u up in the middle of the night and demands that you pick up the food, choose not to pick it up.

for the third ending, don't pick up the food and don't say anything to him

I'll try to upload a new build today, but since I don't have a Mac, I can't guarantee it would work.

However, there is a full playthrough of this game here

Thanks haha. I'm glad you found Camille real and likable enough (even though she's a mess).


1. Joseph was the one who caused the apocalypse in ending 9 haha. alive in a sense.

Thanks haha. It's always a relief to know that I am improving.

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I assure you it only gets progressively worse from here. Better you stop here before more horrible things happen.