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Oh wow thank you for your continuous support!


1. Unfortunately they are not related. I tend to use the surname "Johnson" for every named but not important NPC character I have lmao.

2. Originally Ivy and Joseph are supposed to have their own route, but due to scoping and writer's block, I decided to ax their route. Basically, I wanted some of Ivy and Joseph's endings to exist in the same universe as some of Camille and Osgoode's endings, thus the difference in Ivy's survival status lmao.

3. Ahahhaha I'll probably recycle Joseph's story in the future. But originally his route is about Joseph slowly turning into a tentacle monster and how the doomed couple tries to stop the transformation. It goes about as well as you expect.

4. If I write a story that is suitable for the otome audience base, I'll definitely advertise it here ahahahha.

5. There is a short story in the planning that continues from ending 9. I will make an announcement once it's completed.

6. I'm a firm believer that a good story should make you feel something. Since I'm not talented enough to write impactful fluff yet, I stick to horror and sadness masquerading as romance or fluff lmao.

7. ITYH means I Take Your Hand ahahhahah. You know, just like how Osgoode took Camille's hand.

I love the horror and sadness owo