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If I had someone to play this with, I can see it being pretty fun. Well, the singel player is just a tad too hard for me. If I don't grab the balls immediately and throw the off at the first time, they just pile up, until I sink. No time to hit the engine. On the other hand, if the RNGesus doesn't like me, all the balls pile up instantly in one corner, tipping over the boat.

I like the basic idea of just throwing things out and driving forwards. The gameplay in itself was good, the controls fluid. Just a bit hard on the difficulty.

Thanks for the great feedback :D yeah ahah We find 1 player quite difficult. One solution we debated was having the boat just always move and you only need to focus on canonballs, but we didn't want to get rid of the need to also use the engine. We also debated just giving the player more speed when using the engine in 1 player mode to make up for the change in difficulty. Any solutions you can think of? Or should we just decrease the canonball amount significantly :P? Would it then be too easy? Gah ahah I'm curious what your thoughts are because we'd love to improve it! Anyways, thanks for enjoying regardless aha The game was definately created with co-op in mind :P