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A member registered Sep 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comment! I will definitely try to fix that, as soon as I have the time! Glad you still liked it! : )

Wow, your absolutely correct! Another puzzle solved. : D
I really had it as a different name before, because I realized way to late it would show up the moment the player would input the first name, good job!

I am also not a native speaker, so sometimes there can be difficulty with getting the meaning of words across. With lunch boxes I meant those little plastic boxes you put cut up stuff like cucumbers and tomatoes in which you then put into the picknic basket. If that makes sense?
Probably need to reword that then. : )

Thanks for your feedback! Means a lot to me!

Thank you very much! : )
There definitely will be a more story-heavy games in the future from me! Stay tuned!

That was a really cool game! Nice Warioware-esque!

Very fun, though after a while it is lagging to bad to be played sadly.
If it would run better, I would gladly play more!

Took me a total of 40 hours. It was a very stressfull week. Around 5-6 hours every day. 
Next time I would definitely make something smaller : D
Thanks for the praise and sorry for the weird controls!

Very weird choice to make it time based with only a single life for every stage.
Way to difficult for my old fingers. 

Definitely good job on this type of genre! It is not one I like, but I can see that this is pretty well made. : )

The core concept is super interesting, though the whole execution only left me wanting more.

Game would have been fun if the controls worked. Sadly the snake controls really weirdly for me.

The core concept is very cool! Even though I don't really like chess I had a lot of fun!

That was pretty frickin great. Cool story images, great core concept (which might not work for a bigger game but worked well enough for this small one) and cool ending screen with all the pictures on took.

Very nice work!

The basic idea is pretty good! Would have loved to play more levels.

On of the few games here, where I thought that it was a shame that it was so short. : D

Good job!

The eating sound effect was very nice!

Does exactly what it should. Sometimes my snakes jumped back out of the box. That was very frustrating!

But other than that it was a nice little minigame!

Awesome Art! Gameplay is a bit lacking though. : )

Sometimes you can not move to the left and right. Controls are otherwise very precise.

I like how you turned the common platformer trope on its head, though a bigger view screen would have been good, right now I can hardly see what lies in front of me, making sudden death very frustrating.

An awesome idea to be sure, I just did not quite get how the snakes translated into their pieces?

I really tried getting the "learn" levels, but I think I am just not getting it lol. Still a good game though!

Very solid game, though a bit too hard for me I am afraid!

Quite a simple game, but it works!

Dang, I think I am just too bad for this game!

I just could not figure out how to really swing around. Always just bonged my head onto everything and then slowly crawled to the exits. : D

There are a couple of bugs, but the overall idea is pretty neat!

I like the soundeffects a lot, I would just wish that they were a bit louder. : )

I did not really get what I had to do here? 

The swimming mechanic was nice though!

Thanks for the praise and sorry for the turning speed. : D

I actually increased it a bit after your feedback, seems like it wasn 't enough. ^^

iIr might help to download the windows version then and try out that? : )

Well, you can theoretically leave it running on the right setting, yes. Though most of this games experience is done in around 10-13 hours, so it is not one of this giant 1000 hour idle games.

how do you define a "proper" idle game? : O

Well, I do need to save your progress somewhere. : )

Sorry, did not start out with that in mind and now its sadly to late to change all the code stuff around to allow for browser support! : /

Hello, that is a standard windows problem! Windows does that pop up on all games that the developer does not pay around 300 bucks on licensing for. : )

In case of doubt you can always use the itchio software manager to download this game and play!


I practically played almost every major incremental game out there. At least I think so. 

I of course really liked "A dark room", "Universal Paperclips", "SPACEPLAN", "Crank", "Shark Game", and actually many more, but I really enjoyed those who had a bit of story in them and actually came to an end. Thats what I tried to replicate the most. : )

I used Gamemaker Studio 2 for making the game. They as of now also released html support for even basic subscribtions, so that is cool for future people making incremental games. Sadly, back when I started that was not available yet, so I did not start with that in mind and it is pretty difficult to add online availability now.

Thanks for the question!

nope, still going strong here. I mainly post updates over on discord

Oh ok. Then up the speed gain from all the automation and down their costs.

Takes ages for me and the upgrades don't do a lot. Does not feel like it has been tested at all.

Oho, thanks for the high praise! I am going to try my best to actually fulfill those aspirations, though I can not promise to make something as grand as A Dark Room. ; )

Thanks a lot, I definitely will keep at it!

I am already planning the automation stage next, where you recruit fellow adventurers to help you in delving. ; )

Oh boy, I am going to try my best to implement the only the finest of flavour text. : D

Anything wrong or stuff that should not be in there or that are just plain broken, please report them here.

I will try to fix them as soon as I can!

Anything positive or negative you have to say about the game, stuff that you would like different or suggestions in any way, please put them here. : )

Thanks for the feedback. : )