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I'm reading it rigt now and man, they added new bishies! >\\\< Aaah, why is there no route for the long haired man? 


But yeah! I'm enjoying myself with the new ones and will compare with the old one later x'D whose route is your favourite? I'm planning to leave Hijikata/Chikage for last

I hope you're doing okay over there, Konoi! Here, I'm crossing my fingers so we'll have productive and fun this week!

My favorite is Okita - he always was. But almost tied with him is Yamazaki. I'm SO HAPPY he finally has a route - if nothing else, for the fact you can finally avoid his death. It breaks my heart every time in other routes.  I also like Sanosuke and Kazama a lot. 

Aaah, yes, I see what you mean :'D Okita's voice actor is also my favorite since he voiced Gorou in MAJOR (an inspirational sport anime) --But the fact that he's sick is just... T^T and the epilogue is an open ending waaahhh!! I dunno, I wish there's something solid we can do for him Q_Q

And yes! Yamazaki's route is very sweet >///< his route turned out pretty awesome and the fact that they ran a clinic in the end also clicks really well!

I'm having a hard time deciding which one is my fave lol, but Kazama's route is still the saddest one so far Q_Q

Didn't do Kazama's route in the remake yet actually, since I leave him for the end. His voice actor is my favorite voice actor ever. I have a literal physical reaction to Tsuda's voice. My chest tightens, my temples tingle and my breathings becomes a bit weird. I LOVE his voice, but it's almost "painful" to me to listen to him so much haha