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Aaah, yes, I see what you mean :'D Okita's voice actor is also my favorite since he voiced Gorou in MAJOR (an inspirational sport anime) --But the fact that he's sick is just... T^T and the epilogue is an open ending waaahhh!! I dunno, I wish there's something solid we can do for him Q_Q

And yes! Yamazaki's route is very sweet >///< his route turned out pretty awesome and the fact that they ran a clinic in the end also clicks really well!

I'm having a hard time deciding which one is my fave lol, but Kazama's route is still the saddest one so far Q_Q

Didn't do Kazama's route in the remake yet actually, since I leave him for the end. His voice actor is my favorite voice actor ever. I have a literal physical reaction to Tsuda's voice. My chest tightens, my temples tingle and my breathings becomes a bit weird. I LOVE his voice, but it's almost "painful" to me to listen to him so much haha