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Generally, I am not a fan of "Thomas" or the format of horror behind him, although, this game did what most games are not able to do - being unique and addictive. 

The entire gameplay is simple, based on hiding and avoiding the train, yet, the addition of puzzles and interactions are just well placed. I liked the overall design and art style too. 

Some of the movements were a bit clumsy and I think having the sensitivity setting would help, but other than that, the game is brilliant. 

Looking forward to more from you. Great Job. 


Thanks @Niven!   Not going to lie, I'm in the same boat. The goal for this game was to have a somewhat limited but effective space that is (somewhat) procedural.

I didn't give too much thought into the player control tweaking so that's something I'll work on re-scripting as there's some features I didn't get to before the Christmas break.

Thanks for playing and your feedback! Always appreciated.