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Seems like it has a ton of potential, but as it stands I had problems. It definitely seemed like the game was made to be a lot larger than 64x64 and was compressed down, with a lot of effects like missile trails being anywhere from thick, visible lines to near invisible occasional dots and the ship itself being very flickery, even when zoomed in. I played for several minutes and didn't find a single enemy, which hampered my experience - actually flew from end to end of the "universe" and only found one large ship other than the one you start near, which seemed to neither react to me firing repeatedly at it, nor fire back itself. I'm guessing there is combat in the game from the screenshots, but I couldn't locate it.

I'd love to see how this turned out with extra content added, some helpful additions like an enemy tracker etc, and probably most importantly, a resolution upscaling.

Hey Chequered Ink,

If it helps at all, the game starts you off with a basic tutorial mission, then it leads you to our first set of missions with a race called the Lotl's. However your issues with the game definitely do point to some major flaws since you were able to skip right past them, fly around, and get bored. 

I also agree that we probably reached for a bit to much with the resolution being locked at 64x64, however the good news is that the game jam made for an interesting idea / story line and we are going to be working on a non 64x64 second game that dives deeper into the world we made.

Thanks for giving it a try.