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Beautiful pixel art and i really liked the intro cinematic !

I also enjoyed the fact that you can control the game with mouse only this makes it pretty chill and is also a plus for accessiblity,  i also like the fact that photon hints you on some things without just giving away the solution and also not needing a tutorial. 

On the flip side this makes figuring some situations out a bit hard, personally i got stuck at the part where you can reactivate security bots but couldn't figure out what to do, i found a distant switch but as soon as i pulsed to activate it the bot killed me so this is as far as i went.

Now that being said this is still a totally solid game and i had fun playing it

Good job :)


Thanks for checking it out and for the exelent feedback! If you happen to want to know the ending you can pass through levels with F10

No problem, Good to know, i'll check it out then :)