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The dialogue and voice acting are definitely the highlights of the game for me. The robot is hilarious and the janitor sounds like he's so done with life, haha. It's also really funny when you headbutt a robot and it instantly explodes.

I would definitely get rid of the doom timer. I know it's part of the game because of the story, but I don't think it's necessary for gameplay. I would have liked to explore the whole map and find all the blue laptops so I could hear what the robot has to say, but I felt like I had to skip a lot of them because of the timer.

I would also decrease the player speed. Right now you can rush through the game simply by running past enemies, you don't have to attack or pick up their guns. I think decreasing player speed, but compensating by increasing ammo or something would allow for more strategic gameplay where you'd have to use the guns and shoot the robots to progress through the map. Finally, I would get rid of the doors. I don't think they add much besides forcing the player to wait around for them to open.

Great entry overall, I had a lot of fun with the game and I managed to beat it. Great work on the voice acting too, it really adds so much to the dialogue.

You're very much right about the timer. We've been discussing that one non stop, as well as the headbutt and the doors! But you know, hindsight and all that. You get so tunnel visioned sometimes when working in your spaces that you don't stop to consider that something that has been a concept for a very long time... Just may not work. Thank you so much for the review and I'm glad at the fun you did have! I loved voicing it.