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A really nice game with an innovative mechanic. The art is so beautiful and the SFX and music tie the world together.

Some constructive notes I had during gameplay:

- Crouch would have been easier to press if it was tied to E or S as a WASD player

- The speech coming out of people would be even better with a cute sound effect (cute little meeps and stuff)

- The jump felt really harsh, and it would be nice if the player had squash/stretch during landing to really sell the cuteness

- For some reason the stem power would sometimes not let me go past a certain section of the screen? I think it was because my original window size was smaller or because my mouse was offset from the window. So I was reaching the end of my monitor but not the game world.

Great job team!


Thanks for playing our game and for the constructive feedback. I'll need to look into that last bug. I always appreciate feedback like this cause it shows that the person really paid attention during the whole thing.