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Can you pls add a checkpoint in the final level b4 the elevator of death

other than that its awesome 

Yeah, that was the first part that got me frustrated as well... be prepared for more though ;-)

it isn't that hard tbh
here are some tips:
-try to get consistent at the first section. for the spores i hit the first one, then the fourth, the third and then the second one. uses no gem power and gets you over without waiting (assuming you don't wait at the start and go right in. The rest is quite easy with practice
-usually for the death elevator you go up, see the black thingy go near you, then go to the side and press up for about 1 second total (floating in place), then go back. that should keep you clear of the black thingy. honestly you have to test and find your own rhythm.
-don't panic. it really helps.