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A member registered Jan 29, 2021

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Fair enough, maybe the game is just not for me. A puzzle element would make it more my thing, some level of guessing what you need to type for instance.

Sorry, nice idea, but it's just too tedious to type all those commands before you can actually start the game.

Weak internet connection is definitely not the issue, I've got 200mbps and it still takes forever to load, it's just stuck at the last bit of the progress bar.

This was pretty cool :-)

Cool concept! Just a little bit annoying that there are no checkpoints. At the first quite long level I died pretty far in, forcing me to redo everything, which is a bit tedious.

Pretty nice game, only that you can get caught is a bit frustrating, freeing yourself should be made easier I think.

First game: 2126000, 7:09

When there aren't any real players there are bots, they are not that good indeed 😉

It's not fake, there's just not many players online usually. We are all waiting for the new version :-)

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Can you give me a hint on the beautiful secrets that I might've missed after the endgame?









Are they related to the hidden surf corridor or the ruins beneath the home? Or the chickens perhaps? I'm also missing the broken egg photo.

At least this is a fair review, whereas your previous post felt more like a rant, an understandable one, but a rant regardless ;-)

And if that didn't take your will to live away, the endgame might ;-)

Holy crap the game gets evil at the last part ... don't want to spoil it too much but it involves fries. Infuriating.

"Allee manneke" lmao

Does anyone know how to get into that narrow surf lane at the harbour?

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It's perfectly ok if you lack the sense of humor, the patience and/or the skill to get through this game and I admit, it's immensely frustrating in some parts, but writing this long post just to express this seems a bit excessive to me. 

Ferociter always makes solid games. Arguably this one has a completely different style, but the gameplay is impeccable as always. It's all about training yourself to get used to the controls and the 'unintuitive' hitbox, as you call it.

As long as you do things iteratively and do not lose yourself in details or endless finetuning you should be fine! Grant yourself small wins as well :-)

Just saw this popup in my feed, played it briefly. The physics and controls feel really natural, well done! It looks already great as well.

Do feel that the difficulty of the Chef's Knights or Knights' Chefs is a huge step upwards. Got a lot of trouble beating the, which at the same time makes the game less interesting, because you have to beat the same enemies every single time. Perhaps a bit of variation would alleviate this?

Yeah that is true as well. They seem to be able to fly a little bit higher than you at the top of the screen. This for me is part of the tactics though, get on top of them before they reach the top of the screen.

Surprisingly fun game! Enemies are actually hard to beat and require a certain degree of tactics. Nicely done!

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What do you mean, enemies can fly off-screen? Noone can fly off the top, and everyone can use wrap-around at the side edges. If anything, you have an advantage because you drop in from above when you died.

Edit: Ah yeah, you mean when the viewport is scrolling. That's a bit annoying indeed. Would be nice to have some sort of indicator at the top of the screen as well, similar to the sides.

Good game! Not much content, but this has a solid base. Gameplay is fluent, controls are good.

One improvement I suggest is to make the mouse cursor better visible, or indicate the direction of firing in another way. Especially when it's crowded it's annoying to have to search for the cursor.

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Ok, I'm not cut out for this, it is indeed friggin' hard. Your game is really well-made and it plays perfectly. The idea is also well thought-through. However, the sheer difficulty and the lack of checkpoints is really putting me off. Everytime I made it through a pixel-perfect jump I felt happy, but then having to do it again and again and again feels unnecessarily frustrating.

But, anyway, well done on the game itself!

Ugh and only now I read that you explicitly have to press the 'save' button to really save progress ... damnit. Ah well, will have to live without beating the last boss then :-(

Btw, even though it was a frustrating game for me, still like it, it did feel like an accomplishment beating bosses and levels. So, I think the balance is quite good. Nicely done!

Great looking game, but frustratingly hard for me ... will keep trying a bit more though.

Hehe, nice idea. Do have some remarks:

  • Timing is off now and then, I just blazed through the levels while you were still talking.
  • Double jump thing worked, but I got three blue chips in the end, I think, and I got double jump, triple jump and antigrav jump
  • In the last level I could stand antigrave on the moving wall and it pulled me inward through the red block towards the door.
  • Also, the spikes don't work after the level you 'fixed' them. In that level I could also just run towards the door before you fixed the spikes.
  • Maybe it's a nice touch to say "Oh no, no cheating" and transport the user back
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Really cool, again ;-) But, I don't understand this level. How can I turn that corner? You can only do that when it's touching the outer grid, right? There's no way. Or am I that thick?

Edit: Omg, power of posting, figured it out ;-)

Just started browsing through all your games and they are all really good so far. Fluent controls, nice ideas. This one was kinda frustrating, but never too much. Well done!

Yes it is

Really cool! Unique concept and makes good use of mechanics related to water. Plays and looks really well also. There could be so much more ideas incorporated in here, including upgraded weather manipulations, different elemental effects, etc etc .. my mind goes wild ;-)

Haha yeah, not sure why I kept on going ... didn't have anything else to do, liked to be in the zone for a bit, I guess. Haha, my vision really kept moving sideways when I stopped the game, lol ...

Not meant to get in a browser war, each to their own, but I was just surprised I saw three games in a row where Bogudan had issues with.

Ok, played this for far longer than I should have. At some point I set myself a goal, which I reached ;-) Can tell I've been playing too long, because my screen is still moving sideways, for realz. Anyway, nice game, bit boring, but still well built.

Dude! Third game you have issues with. Is Firefox so nitpicky or is it just broken? ;-) No issues at all on Chrome, at least not visible ones.

Hm, see you posting this on two games already. Something wrong on your side perhaps? I don't use Firefox so I can't reproduce.

Hm, see you posting this on two games already. Something wrong on your side perhaps? I don't use Firefox so I can't reproduce.

How on earth do you get that circular pattern of rapid arrows with only 39 seconds in? (picture to the right)

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Agree with some, it's a nice concept and looks nice, but the combination of controls makes it unnecessary hard to play, together with the really slow progression money-wise. 

It's also hard to keep an eye on the screen and carefully pushing the upgrade buttons at the same time. My suggestions:

  • Implement autofire, that's pretty much what you do anyway
  • Pause the game when buying upgrades, or alternatively be able to upgrade with a keypress (1 through 6) so you don't have to look for the right button to press
  • Make it worthwhile to actually kill enemies (money?) instead of only do it to clear the screen
  • Random upgrade or health drops
  • Prevent enemies from appearing right on top of the player

Quality of life / bug:

  • You can easily get stuck between enemies and the barrier, perhaps make you unhittable for a few seconds whenever you get hit so you can escape through enemies?

This is one awesome game!!! Waaay too short, but really, really nice. The artwork, the gameplay, the cutscenes. Really well done. If anything, it might be a tad too easy. I blew through the levels quite quickly, with a bit of luck here and there, I'll give you that.

No clue what I should do. Space makes a firing sound, but I don't see any projectiles and can't destroy any ships, B releases a black hole but it doesn't do anything and the game froze after a short time, when I was close to the edge.