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Definitely felt like I had an advantage as a veteran DROD player when it came time to beat levels without turning the very big sword. :-)

Only thing I think it might have been missing was a save feature?  I think I lost all my progress when I reloaded the page.  But that aside, totally love it.

Huh? Saves work fine here; Correctly persists between sessions on both Firefox and Chromium here. What's your browser?

Firefox (Windows).  I wonder if it's a cookie-setting thing?


Looking around, yeah, specifically the stricter "Cookies from unvisited websites" setting appears to be causing it. Which makes sense because the game is in an iframe on another domain on itch.

I can't do anything about that on my end, unfortunately, but I can confirm that it does work normally.


the sword phase through walls not sure I like it or not