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A fun game with a nice crafting concept! There was a great variety, and it was exciting to see what each newly crafted spell would do. 

I wonder if I missed it, but is there a way to aim spells further away from you? I kept dying by casting spells too close to myself haha, so I think it would be handy to have a visual indicator of where my spell would land while I was aiming. 

The other thing I noticed is that pressing "Esc" seems to quit back to the main menu rather than exiting from the cauldron/spellbook, but pressing "E" works fine.

Overall, I found it enjoyable and interesting! :)

Thanks for the feedback! I know about the spells spawning too close to you, so the only thing I can say is to move backward when you cast a spell.  And yes ESC does take you to the menu, you just have to press 'E' again but you already figured that out. Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!