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I will admit at first I was concerned to download Roblox, because I expected to just download your game, but instead was linked to a website I had never seen before and ask to agree to terms I was not expecting and give away personal info. I do not think currently think the app is a virus or anything.

I disagree with you about Roblox being the future of online gaming. Reviews like this ( ) are not hard to find and after having read most of that I do not feel I could recommend the platform to anyone with out significant changes.

However, Roblox is not my problem now. My problem is that in order to play your game I have to read and agree to the following:

Together this will probably take me at least three hours. Which would be fine if 1.) The terms are acceptable and 2.) I had a reason to do it. In the mean time you have not taken the effort to:

  • Participate in the community (except for joining and your reply, point out other examples if I am wrong).
  • Write a description of your game.
  • Provide a screen shot of your game that conveys game play or story elements.
  • Provide a game trailer that shows your game in action.

Only the first of which would have taken more than an hour of your time.

So at the end of the day here is the question. Why should I play your game? The Open Game Art community is about respecting copyright and making quality works more easily available to everyone. I have to read those documents before playing your game even becomes an option. I will never use the Roblox platform myself and I can not recommend it to others. So what is it about your game, not Roblox, that is worth gambling three hours of my life on?

PS I would recommend changing your mindset. I think it is better to have a heavy heart than a heavy wallet.

i dont know if you've read buissness insider, but roblox is one of the fastest growing companies and is worth more than a billion dollars. You are only gypping yourself by being an indie game dev that is afraid to make a roblox account.