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This is brilliant! I always wanted to explore an abandoned shopping centre but there aren't any near me, haha.

I generally don't like investigative elements in VNs as a player, but I thought that side of things in this was pretty engaging, as well as the torch effect being very cool! I don't normally like torches in regular horror games because it usually means I'm going to die or be too scared to continue playing xD but in a VN, I feel perfectly safe so I can appreciate the effect more :3 All the other effects throughout were incredibly nifty too! Oh, and the soundtrack and atmospheric SFX were really great! Lovely sound design ^-^ I'm surprised this doesn't have more comments!

I don't know if you've fixed it but I didn't seem to experience any lag as others have mentioned :3 


I did, however, manage to get stuck, haha. I feel kinda stupid cos all the other parts of the game up until now were easy enough for me to figure out, but I got stuck on the part with the monster and not looking at it >.< I just don't really know what I'm supposed to do so I feel a bit stupid x3 haha. Love the mechanic though! Reminds me of when I first played the VR game Here They Lie :3 I was so blown away by the fact that characters reacted to you looking at them!