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I noticed two off-by-one errors during a playthrough.

1. Golem's core/sculptor bug: If the sculptor asks for 3 golem's cores, and you have 2, they take them, and you have -1 golem's cores.

The culprit here is an if-then statement that says >= 2 instead of > 2 or >= 3. (search for "3 golem cores")

2. Levitation potion bug: At the yellow pillar, if you have only one levitation potion, it doesn't ask if you want to use one.

The culprit here is an if-then statement saying "if levitation > 1" which should be ">= 1" (assuming you aren't forcing the player to save their only potion for later e.g. floating to the top of the spire)


Thanks! I fixed both these issues (they were serious enough to justify an update during the Comp). With the golem cores, for a long time you only needed 2 (same as with the other items the sculptor may need). I changed it to 3 at some point, because they are easier to get than soul shards and wyvern teeth, but I missed that one line of the code...

(1 edit)

Nice job (again!) Yeah, I agree, that was a good way to balance things...golems are the easiest of the 3 and seem to happen a bit more randomly. Your thanks, of course, is a few more tricky bugs I dug up from my notes.