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(1 edit)

I super enjoyed the 1.0.7 demo! For a demo it is pretty complete and I rather enjoyed it, minus a few bugs and weird game things here and there! I'm going to make some soft recommendations that of course you don't have to follow, but it would be cool to have some of these things added!

-Save points in front of boss fights or an manual save. Now I might be the only person but I had a hard time fighting the last boss of the demo, mostly because of the spawning of monsters that just made it a pain to track back to the point I could save without loosing a bunch of exploring and items. Again might be me complaining but from a game play pov it's a pain to ever fight unnecessary monsters just to save. 

-Phoenix down type item. I'm pretty sure there is one in the game (the hot coco) but it never seemed to work for me? It would heal the party member to use it not the member I wanted revived.

-Indication that you are too low of level to fight a boss. More of a nitpick but even it comes to the last fight I was under the impression that I could fight her with the passive level of 7-8, only to be wiped and needing to grind to level 12 to get better skills to clutch to fight her. Something like "you have a feeling you are too weak to survive if you enter this door" would be great and would have saved me 3 restarts to actually kill the boss.

That's I have to say! Make sure to keep up the great work! I'd love to play the full version of ghost hospital one day! Kind of related do you play to make some sort of donation type thing like patreon? Because if so please tell me! I'd gladly give funds to put this game in a full version! 

( ps: im pretty sure i see what u are doing with jay's story devs! im not gonna shout it just in case you guys wanna keep it hush other than some context hints, but its very nice for some inclusion that just isnt there for 'hey we have [x minority]'! ~some dude in the same boat as jay (although if this isnt the case and im reading too much please ignore me) )

Hey, thanks for your input! I'm a little against a manual input, but I'll see what I can do about finding a way to make a save point in front of boss fights make narrative sense. Most important people have secretaries, I suppose...

Yeah...the hot cocoa. Hoo boy. Turns out it hasn't worked at all this whole time. I'm planning to put out a patch to fix a bunch of stuff tomorrow-ish, so you can hold tight there, don't worry.

A low level indicator might be a good idea- it'd make narrative and literary sense, and it's not super hard to implement! I've gotten a lot of complaints about game balancing across the board, too, so I'll take a closer look at all of that.

(ps, I'm glad you noticed! I was actually worried it'd be too subtle for people to pick up on- yeah, I hope to make it more clear in the full game without saying it outright- Jay isn't the kind of kid who'd necessarily come out about being a trans dude, but it's part of who he is. Besides that, we have plans for more lgbt+ npcs in the final product [also not just there for Brownie Points, sometimes people are just gay/trans/whatever], so expect more where that came from!)