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(3 edits)

New idea for diplomacy change:

If you have above two settlements, and total population above 450 people, and one of the settlements is not happy with your rule, they will create a new tribe that will be hostile towards you, and swich your unhappy settlement to be owned by this new tribe. This can happen only to humans types and not to muskelings.

I'm sure the unhappy status need to be advanced so only if 65% of the settlement is unhappy they will worn you that they consider leaving you, and above 80% they will automatically leave after one season.

That sounds similar to what I'm thinking of for loyalty. Though in loyalty there will be an additional stat authority, which is produced by some buildings in your capital. 

The balance between authority and how much population is living outside your capital will determine how rebellious other settlements are.

This all going to be affected by happiness and further feature 'rules' right?
