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Hello, I need a bit of help regarding the floor. I'm a beginner (using RPG maker MZ) and just so happen that I wanted to learn how to do a parallax map (instead of the usual tiles). 

 I could kind of understand a bit based on the tutorial you provided but I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to do the map over Photoshop first or directly on RPG maker?  (The map I'm trying to make is an open world-ish so I'm kinda lost on how should I start with this, do I need any specific plugins or tools?)

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Hello Izuruu, I recommend you to consult tutoriels like this -->

Parallax Mapping in RPG Maker MZ

to fully understand how it works.

You're going to need a plugin as well if you want an open world map with a scrolling camera like the Galv Overlay plugin you can find here -->

MZ Layer Graphics

Apart from that you will just need your natural skills on Photoshop, Photofiltre, Gimp or your prefered software !

If you don't mind telling, are there any specific brushes you use for path and others? Mine doesn't nearly look as good as the demo as it keeps ending up being too straight and identical in size

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Personaly I use Clip Studio Paint but that work for Photoshop too : 

use the pencil to keep the pixel art aspect and in brush options check the dispersion property with the "on pressure" option and that it !

You can customise your brush with all options and textures, mask etc, all work as long as you use the pencil.

( Sorry my Photoshop is in French because choucroute! )

Oh it's fine I'm also french!  Anyway, I just made a quick map to test around, what do you think I could do to facilitate things? Like for the water, it was kinda a pain to add it. Unlike most other tilesets yours straight out required me to learn photoshop/image editing too lol

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Je te répond en français du coup pour être plus précis !

Elle est très jolie ta map ! j'aime beaucoup,
Pour l'eau tu peux directement l'intégrer dans le parrallax via une texture que tu efface comme les autres calques (comme le chemin) et positionnée par dessus les rebords de face mais sous les rebords arrière et de côtés.
Soit sur un layer animé via le plugin de Galv Overlay, son fonctionnement est expliqué dans la doc du plugin, ça reste très simple via une commande.

Yep j'ai fais le choix d'avoir des assets moins plug and play comparé à d'autres assets, ce qui les rend moins accessible à beaucoup d'utilisateurs, mais d'un autre côté je suis content que ceux qui y trouvent leur compte tenteront d'y incorporer plus de leur style et connaissances avec leurs moyens afin de se libérer des tiles finalement très restrictifs et frustrants à mes yeux. ^^