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Don't give up O prince of darkness

Too many big shots, Ralsei!

Ralsei is the type of person who would play carmelldansen downstairs and lock himself in his room just to pretend there were people downstairs he was trying to avoid rather than admit he's alone.


Look, I'm sorry. 

It's okay, though, because we're dating in Deltarune so long as we're not so secretly family in anagramatic ways. Otherwise the hugs and blushing and telling Susie we'd take him the festival in that way were just things friends do. Definitely. Ignore the tunnel of acidic love boat ride on a swan. *coughs*

(Also I literally loaded up this page right after rereading the Undertale alarm clock text that seems relevant to Deltarune and was tearing up from Asgore and Flowey. I'm not heartless! Mino...)