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Shoot, sorry to hear that. Tracking saved changes is on the laundry list. Next update maybe.

I've just updated the game and you can now use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to save/load so it's much more convenient. Other changes are at

Again, I'm afraid I can't help with the camera bug without more information. If it still persists after the update, would you mind telling me more information?

What you did (Which menus you went to, what buttons you clicked)

What You Expected to Happen (Probably Camera Movement)

What actually Happened (No Camera Movement)

And yea, I do plan on making many more levels of my own in order to show off mechanics and interactions. Not sure about another "hook" but maybe unlockables or something would be cute. Not sure.

Just tried and didn't encounter the bug again, even with the same settings. 

Nice, I didn't even mean to fix it!