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(2 edits) (+2)

OK, played the correct game this time! Awesome job here!  I absolutely adore  the pixel art. The character's walk cycle is super cute and the boss is just the right amount of jerk. I wish they would tell me what happened to Sam though...conversation cut out too early! I'm guessing he was another poor intern. Anyway, excellent work! 

Hmmm... I think your in the wrong comment section? 


You are completely right. I have a bunch of games on open tabs to play, so sorry about that lol


Haha I know the feeling it's all good man. Well, I hope you get around to reviewing this one anyways lol. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha thanks! Well the convos cutting off were a fun way to show your player not listening to office banter wasting your time theres actually 25 nice comments, 25 mean one's and 25 time wasters. Every player  gets a little nugget or line.