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Hey, this game looks very polished ! The art feels pleasant to the eyes. I must admit that the game is really not easy, perhaps it is a bit on the "too hard for a jam game"-side, but perhaps my opinion is a tad bit biased because I'm not a firefighter myself. Also I feel like the tutorial could've used less text, but that's just my idea.

Still, cheers on your entry and I hope you've all had a fun time creating this !


Thank you so much for appreciating the art!! Thank you also for the constructive comments, We learned a lot and we'll surely take note of it :> Looking forward to your playing your entry as well!!


No problem, I had a fun time playing your entry ^_^

I think you have (a lot of) potential, are you guys planning on joining in on other jams ? If so, I'll be looking forward to see your progress :)


We're definitely looking into other game jams if it fits our schedule :)) Your game has also been wonderful to play and we share the same sentiments in looking forward to your following outputs :))

May our paths cross eachother in the near future !