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(1 edit) (+1)

I was clapping when your song started at the beginning - pure awesome! (I wish I could give 6 stars for "Graphics and Sound")

Not many people tackle a 3D project for such a short jam, much less finish, so this is very impressive. The controls/camera need a little polish (very minor quibble), but overall I'm just blown away you were able to pull this off!

Thank you!

I've made 10+ small Godot games now, so I'm getting more and more comfortable with 3d, speeding up my workflow, etc.  When I started with Godot it was your tutorials that got me through my first few jams, so thank you! :)  I also owe a lot to all the artists who put their models up on lol.  That's what I need to work on now, modeling/texturing etc!  Anyways the silly creative stuff is what I enjoy so I'm glad people got a kick out of the song haha (it was only my 2nd take!)