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Definitely a unique idea and can be an even more fun game if explored more on this idea. I enjoyed playing the game and loved the game mechanics like dying to get a bullet and then avoiding lights as ghost. This mechanic made both living and dead states feel important. Also I loved the attention to detail that is when player dies, enemies stop chasing you. This is something so small but when not implemented gives you a feeling on unfinished game and sometimes may annoy the players. A few nitpicks I have is that game play feels a bit slow especially for the chaos theme, and it took me a minute to figure out that the gray square in level 2 was actually a light source, so maybe some rework in art could make it look even better. Apart from that unique, fun game. I hope you expand this post jam in to a full web game.


Thanks for the feedback! Once the game jam has fineshed I will definately put in an updated versionwich hopelfully will be alot better:)