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A nice game. I tried to finish the game but unfortunately encountered some kind of problem that stopped me from progressing. (Fyr: the train didn't move right after I departed the second station)

I have some critiques:

  1. The pace - The time given for the player to check tickets at the space station is a bit long. AFAIK, the player may want to take about 13-17 people per station to avoid overflowing the train. And normally I took less than 1 second to identify whether the ticket is fake. But because afk-ing is not allowed per rules, I need to slow down the speed of checking people's tickets. Which is kinda against the "Chaos".
  2. Waiting time between playable levels - The "Arrive" counter is not so accurate so sometimes I don't know whether the game is bugged or I just need to wait until further instructions.
  3. Interactions while traveling - Throwing illegal people out is not enough imo.

To conclude, the concept of the game is good because players are supposed to multitask. Therefore It would be better to increase the pace.

Hey! Completely agree with everything that you mentioned, will have to check out how that bug came about.

We unfortunately didn't get to test/balance our game too much, so there were issues like what you described. We did want to add more content, but since we ran out of time before we could complete the tutorial, and all extra scope stuff didn't happen either. 

Thanks for the detailed feedback on our entry!