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SUPER CUTE. I kinda of wish there was a way to view the achievements, but this game was short, sweet, and even had multiple endings. Really enjoyed this one, and thought it was a nice, fun title to play.

Suggestion: Maybe give the player prompts to save their game when they are about to do an action they can’t reverse.


Thanks for playing and streaming it too - glad you enjoyed it! You can view the achievements in the menu (they're on the left, below the monkey's status), and the achievements are retained after each playthrough. Thanks for the suggestion regarding saving - I'll take that into consideration the next time I update the game. :)

You also did The Lost Art of Innkeeping?! I really enjoyed that one, too! I also streamed it!


Yeah, I made that too, and I watched your stream of it too (not live though)! That's great that you enjoyed it, and I really appreciate your support for RPG Maker games and developers!