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Hi, just played your game, Asteroid Demolition Corps, i like it and can't wait for it to become a full game. It kinda remind me of an old game i've played, Bang! Gunship elite. The control is responsive, the background setting is good, a view from the cockpit would be nice, and a second type of gun wouldn't hurt i guess, like homing missile or something else. But, something that i don't understand is did i shoot on the enemy ship or the asteroids, because the title is Asteroid Demolition Corps, but than there is enemy spaceship. All and all can't wait to see the final product. Toodaloo.

I'm glad you liked it! The 6th update will include a second weapon and some allied AI. The cockpit view is actually a very good idea, and I'll look into implementing that in the future. You have to shoot everything you see lol. The asteroids eventually can be mined for resources and power ups all while holding off the aliens. I'm still figuring out how the mechanics will look like in the end but all the feedback is greatly appreciated. Keep an eye out for ADC Update 6! 

Well that's excited me even more, i like upgrading and mining for something, can't wait for the next update.  :D