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Wonderful game! The game’s presentation is clean and easy to understand, the controls are great, and the SFX work very well!

I do think there should be a little bit more of a push for the player to make their jump. Whether that be a “time” tracking mechanism that compliments the score, or whether that’s the level itself doing something to push the player onward… as it is, I do feel like I have plenty of time to line up my jump.

Another thing I felt while playing was that, there were times I thought I was pointed out of the ring, to only crash into a wall… but I think it was because the wall kinda grew-ish as the circle shrunk? I say that, but, honestly, I’m not really sure if that’s actually happening, or if it’s just an optical illusion and I’m making excuses for the rare times I fly into walls cough

Finally… speaking on flying into walls… I did seem to come across an Array index out of bounds error. It does seem like a rare issue, but, still, it’s there.

Over all, I really liked this game! Very well done (even with the bug) and very enjoyable to play!!


Thank you! I'm happy to hear you like it. I had a long power outage so I couldn't test the game properly. Some circles have wrong colliders (thanks unity...) so you hit them even though you make the jump right. Actually this bug could be more often if I didn't fail at the array. There are more circles (also more with the collider problem) however I made some type errors so they don't show up in the game and sometimes also crash. Fortunately, I was able to fix them (I suppose) and added new combo mechanic. You can visit the game after jam to see the changes if you like.

Hey there. I published full version of the  game if you want to check it.