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Daniel Linssen's pages are generally very elegant and impressive:

Highlights for me: Outline, Reap, Path of the Rabbit, Hopslide (for how the screenshots are done), Haemo. But really, most of them, especially the recent ones, have some impressive touch.


You're right, thanks for this. His pages are very artistic... I will have to sit down and deconstruct them to figure out how they work. It looks like a combination of:

  • A simple (but long) background that matches the style of the game
  • A font that matches the game font
  • Lots of images that match the game style

This is definitely something time-consuming to make. But it looks really awesome.


Yes, good assessment. I would say also that he often dispenses with screenshots in favour of gameplay gifs, or even just art gifs, and really stretches things out vertically. I think a lot of the appeal for me is how much less cluttered they feel compared to most pages on itch. They really are works of art in themselves as you say. Actually one I forgot to point out was Sandstorm, and maybe it is the best one - the page itself is telling a story as much as the game is.