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(1 edit) (+1)

Cool concept. I think it just needs an instruction at the start of the game (or my guess is that you're still working on the game). 

Gameplay-wise, I think it's still a little rough to grasp what players need to do for the first-time players. So, maybe add a bit of text/image to teach the players what's their goal is. And maybe just a thought of switching the genre from score-based to level-based puzzles perhaps?

Nice game for mobile players by the way, my high score is 800.

Edit: I will rate it later :)


Thanks a lot!

Happy that you like it :)

I agree with almost everything you said. I limited my work time on this game to just a few hours. Therefore I had to skip the player onboarding completely.

Regarding moving it to level-based puzzles: you've probably noticed that one of the concepts of this game is that each 'round' is created by random. In general, I'm interested in games that use some mechanism to create the content, and less on me creating levels one by one in the editor. My other game, Noisy Space, uses this approach also as well. In Noisy Space, I used procedural generation based on the Perlin Noise function instead of a simple random, so all players get a similar experience without me needing to create many levels.

Hi, I created a new project page for a bigger game I've been working on. Please check it out: