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(1 edit)

First of all you can resize the screen by using control and the scroll wheel, second of all there aren't that many people who can make their own game engine. Also the game ran fine I don't know what you mean.

on my computer it would run at less than 15 fps at all times. Considering that this is an extremely simple 2d , black and white, tiny map type of game, there is no reason why it should be running so slow. For example, i can run the game I developed that has a much larger map and  50+ ai's  moving around the map at at least 30 fps . Given that i'm on a trip and on my laptop, this might be why it ran slowly, but regardless, the game is optimized veryvery poorly.


I don't really see why that matters for a game jam game but ok


Well it kinda runs in the console and it won't run a lot faster without either major optimisations or by using stuff like opengl or some graphics rendering library. (which your game probably uses) Also the fps is capped at 20 FPS and for most people that have either played or playtested it, it wasn't a problem.

given that you are using a laptop you are probably using an intel pentium with integrated graphics

I'm sure you dont need a Nvidia and 8 core i7 to run a game like this .