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Thanks to you for answer... 

First , the file FXL is not executable.... You have to manually change its attribute, whit chmod +x ./FXL

then you can run it... But on my ubuntu 12.04 in the terminal it gives me error complaining about a too old libstdc++... may be ubuntu 12.04 is old for this game. I think i've to buy the steam version, hoping it's linked against steam runtime....

No bundled steam key whit my purchase??? :D :D

You really shouldn't be on 12.04. It's long past its end of life. Please update your operating system.

(2 edits)

I know.... But i'm too lazy, and my sistem is working very well.... No time to retune the new system ;). Anyway, no problem, i'm happy to have supported a linux developer .

Thanks for your message!

Apparently, you need to upgrade your OS.

As i stated, think so too. But i suggest you to put ubuntu 14.04 or equivalent as minimum requirement. A generic "linux OS" is a bit confusing ....