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(1 edit)

I want to see where this is going! Nice character concept. I've just noticed, is the Molk based on a star-nosed mole?

To point a few things out:

1. About jumping responsivity - the issue is, that just checking for "jump key pressed" and "character being on the ground" is not enough for the good controls feel. There are some other things to do, like:

  • If the character is still midair, and the player presses the jump key, register pressing it for a brief moment. If during this brief moment, the character is on the ground, do the jump.
  • If the character was on the ground, but falls from it, register him being on the ground for a brief moment. If during this brief moment, the player presses the jump key, do the jump

2. At the moment, the game starts with the level, rather than main menu.

3. After a few jumps on the bouncy mushroom, I fell through it. Is this intended?

4. Some sprites tear. This used to really annoy me, when I was trying to fix it for my game, but, in fact, there may be an easy fix for this - sprite atlas.



> 3. After a few jumps on the bouncy mushroom, I fell through it. Is this intended?

Yes and no. The plan for them is to have some amount of "power" and when that is used up they need some cool-down before one can jump again.

Also, you fall out of that trampoline loop for example when you hit the ceiling.

Just to confirm - yes, that was exactly after hitting the ceiling.


What's really still missing is some animations for vertical movement. That will give you proper feedback that the player is not jumping anymore and just falling down. If you take a leap from the ledge above and just let yourself fall on the mushroom, you won't get pushed upwards, either. In order to get the jumping boost of it you have to actively jump onto it.

So, it works as designed, but is lacking feedback to the player. Jump animations is already on our list (and the graphics is already prepared).


first: thank you for Playing and your Feedback
yes, it is likely a pink star nosed mole

1. we already improved the players "Jump", the next upload will show it

2. thank you, I will take care, that the next Upload will contain the Menu first
4. yes, I noticed the Sprites Glitch and already fixed this for the next Update

until the next Upload

MissyTerry (AtticaeGames)