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Kudos on having a fully functioning working menu that allows me to exit the game without alt+Ctrl+ Delete! hahaha. I had a sprawling kingdom of houses after about 5 minutes. Though I wish it had some SFX on the fireball, and I couldn't see my workers only their shadows on the ground. I could see the enemies though and tossing fireballs at them was satisfying. I really liked the implementation of the minimap, though without a pointer showing my current facing direction I resorted to using the buildings as markers for which direction was North. Not sure how to "win" in this game though, as spawning lots of buildings creates lots of workers and you can place new buildings faster than they die to the enemies. Some balance and SFX and it could be really cool!


Thanks a lot haha, yea Menu is important and I still have some bugs on it (and as you can see, not everything is implemented yet. We will have options for game such as custom settings for the game). I will rework all the graphics because I had a lot of bugs because of it but not enough time to spend on it (rip the audio that wwas forgotten too :( 

There is no "win", It's supposed to be an arcade-like game where you have to survive the longer. but for now there is no End screen, just a return to menu but you can see your score on your arm's panel

I agree for some balance and SFX, it could improve a lot. I will work on these this week to make un update at the end ! :)

Thanks again for playing !