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I played the browser version and had some stutter at the end of the game, when I had all 4 minions. Just a heads up, I know it's supposed to be downloaded, so it's probs not very important.

Also, what nadomodan said: I did not entirely understand what I was doing. I understood that my minions had different weapons, and that my minions could swap them out. Also that specific weapons dealt damage through specific barriers. However, which weapons go through which barrier: not a clue.

I simply made them pick up different weapons, and they'd attack on their own if they could. I was barely involved in the gameplay.

Also, as soon as I got my minions, my own attack-ability (and telekinesis attack) became useless, because the enemy/crystal was dead before I could hit space due to my minions, or I couldn't attack the crystal myself due to defenses.

Love the hippity hoppity, moving around was solid.

Thank you for playing!

I'll see if I can make it more clear what weapon types deal what types of damage and what units that are resistant towards that. More feedback pretty much.

Hope is that your minions should be the main interaction in the game, I might need to add a few more interaction elements for the player however.