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Very cool! I loved the aesthetic and theme :) unfortunately I think the final boss despawned on me (maybe fell into a pit?). I saw the giant but went back up to obtain some more collectables. I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but when I went back down later he wasn't there anymore. There was no key/elixer for the next gate either :( so sadly I did not get to the end

Thank you so much for playing - it really means a lot. 

I know exactly what you mean - I noticed it but it was too late to fix. So, I accidentally made the boss to easy to kill, so in shooting the other scorpions, you accidentally kill it off screen I think. It drops the key without you noticing and the key blends into the black foreground so you cant see it. (but it is there and you can pick it up if you walk around the boss area).

Again, thanks so much for playing and for taking the time to leave a comment. Really happy you enjoyed the aesthetic and the theme. :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Ah, I suspected that so I walked around a lot looking for/hoping to accidentally pick up the key, but that didn't work out for me :( I have already closed the game so unfortunately too late to try and finish it. Thanks for letting me know, though!