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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh that's a great idea to make the end screen more interesting! Thanks for the message!

Haha, the results are sometimes very interesting! Thanks for the message!

Thanks! We agree that should've been in the game!

No need to apologize!

Clever, nice!

(1 edit)

Nice Zelda-like, I really liked the golems and the first boss. The final boss was a little frustrating at first until I figured out how to battle it. I think it was good you were explicit with the message there so I would try other tactics (but playing with a trackpad made it quite hard!). Also great art and music!

Interesting combination. I had some issues selecting a gun with my trackpad (the scroll was quite sensitive). Having keyboard shortcuts for the guns would have really helped there.

Good effort! I enjoyed it though the choice of keys was a little hard/uncomfortable to play with for me. Are the notes manually transcribed?

Thanks so much!

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Ah yes, during combat I don't think I could equip anything ever. I figured it was intentional. But for this particular red armor, it definitely happened outside of combat too. In two playthroughs, for that same red armor. It is a later level, I don't recall which. It simply could not be selected (it never gave the drag indicator).

Thanks! Not getting in more (working) consequences is probably our biggest regret. 

I am working with a (mac) trackpad. I couldn't find the gesture that made it work (but I did get the gesture for aiming, which is the two-finger tap I use to get context menus anywhere else).

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I think I should've taken small stomach when I had the chance! I just thought it might come up again later. Getting 3 flies is _really_ hard later on, and the tongue upgrades do keep on coming.

Maybe I misunderstand, but I was aware of pausing the game and I did do that too when equipping the red armor.

Wonderful art and music! Very interesting game!

Got to 70! Great fun, though I found it rather hard to catch flies when jumping, so I mostly just stayed on the ground and got flies from left/right, going for all the tongue upgrades.

I have trouble getting the sword to attack, which makes the game very hard. Also, pressing the [x] of the card deck doesn't seem to close it for me! I wonder if it's the way mouse input is handled? Because it hasn't been an issue with other entries.

Good first submission! I would say that sometimes the carrots were a little hard to place, or I would end up accidentally picking up my coil. Some sound would definitely help.

I am unable to throw the eggplant. I hold right mouse click to aim, but when I let go nothing happens. 

Thanks! The sound effect is freely available :)

Fun! But unfortunately I was experiencing some performance issues (in Safari) which sometimes caused the page to refresh automatically.

Too bad it doesn't tie in to the theme very much. But very nice execution, especially for a first game jam! At some point, all I get a red armors and I do not seem to be able to equip them so the game only keeps giving me those, effectively ending the loot chain :(

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Really nice game! Fun graphics. Though sometimes I take more damage than the game says I take, also more than I believe I should be able to take based on most other turns (playing web). I did also experience the overlapping card bug.

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leave your feedback! :)
The game does need some balancing in that regard :D

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for leaving a message!

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leave your feedback! :)
Your choices do matter, but not nearly enough. We agree the game needs some tuning here. Next time around we're sure to incorporate some earlier playtesting in our cycle!

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leave your feedback! :)
The game can definitely use some tuning to make choices matter more. We understand that by itself it might not be as fun. The unintended consequences had intended for this to be a short fun experience, not something that lasts. For that, we think, a secondary mechanic would be great so you would have to balance something else (for example, an economy) against making a good match. And unfortunately some of our unintended consequences aren't showing up which means that now even that part falls a little flat :(

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leave your feedback! :)
Yep, that was the plan. We learned a lot from this jam. My last GWJ was years ago so everything took _even more_ time than we had anticipated ^^;

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leave your feedback! :)
The bar does stop growing intentionally, the idea was to end the game there. Unfortunately, this did not go as planned.  Sorry for the confusion!

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leave your feedback! :)
The bar does stop growing intentionally, the idea was to end the game there. Unfortunately, this did not go as planned.  Sorry for the confusion!
 We weren't able to work out a good system to identify how similar hobbies were. In hindsight we should have just removed any overlapping hobbies, but we had hoped that we could reward such overlapping matchings initially.

Thanks! Being able to move blocks despite not getting a match was deliberate. This way I wouldn't need to guarantee that there's always a match available and/or have additional rules for when no match is available :D but to be frank, I'm don't think I would change it if I had been given more time.

Sorry to hear about the music, I haven't experienced that before. Not sure what could be the source.

Cool idea! Too bad the HTML version has some performance issues. It also seems that sometimes you get healed between rounds, and other times not? Or is that dependent on buying the Max HP up (or some other upgrade)?

Good job on your first entry! I liked the character art :) The controls were a bit floaty and it wasn't entirely clear to me what I was supposed to do on the third level. The first lever didn't respond, the second lever did but seemingly had no effect? I tried to slowly slide down different walls to see if there were lower hidden platforms, but if there were I missed them.

Great entry! Holding the mouse to shoot would be nice, as would be a more meaningful use of the destructible terrain (which was impressive)!

That's quite a lot! I don't know if I ever even made that many :D

Thanks for the compliment! Just picked what felt right :)

Thanks for the feedback!
The screen going black at the end happens when a plant runs out of water, at that point you also get your pumpkin graded in stars.
We realize this is a very unpolished end screen but we were in a rush to make it functional. ^^'
Also thanks for pointing out the audio... I noticed that I forgot to turn on looping. At the start you'll hear the tune once :(
And sfx of course would also be great to add.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Unfortunately I had very little time to work on the game this jam. I was still planning to at least add some bgm/sfx but to make matters worse, my PC started crashing in the last two hours or so before the deadline. The traps were sometimes hard to dodge if you don't know where the boulder is going to come from beforehand. Unfortunately I did not have the time to implement clear signaling, and without it I felt it would mostly feel bad/unfair to the player if they got a real penalty for getting hit. So instead I went with a time penalty, which is only a minor inconvenience and also gets reflected in your end screen.

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